Hey everybody, this would be my website, so there. I would just like to say that I don't care if you like my webpage, I DO! And I have left the crummy templates from freeservers and have gone with God's program for building website's, FRONTPAGE! I actually sorta kinda know what I'm doing with it now. well, I shall stop boring you and let you get on with reading the rest.
I realize
that this website completely breaks every rule of good HTML websitemanship,
hahah. also, this page was originally scaled at 1280x1024, that is the best
resolution to view this website at. But, just for those of you that have no idea
what I'm talking about, I have rescaled it to 1024x768. That is still high, but
that's as low as I'm going. Also, this site is best viewed in Internet Explorer
5.5 or higher. this is my website, and if I deem it to be crazy, then crazy it
is. so there :-p Hey If you have AOL Instant Messenger (or AOL) you can contact me here, and if you want to download messenger, there is a link bellow the AIM bar. By The way you are the ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
Hey, there are links to my Guestbook at the side of the page, feel free to sign it! well, it's not an option, "you veel sign my guestbook, und you veel like it!" |
Site last Updated on 03/11/2002 at 11:58am